+1 (808) 635 3052
One day at a time, STRENGTH is built!
Watch Lelan's video to learn how
Testimonials from rockstar clientele!

Elizabeth, 72, Seattle
“This is so good. And I really appreciate it. I wanted to do something for my body. And having you walk me through it and doing it together feels totally wonderful. I was always feeling challenged by it but this feels wonderful what we are doing here”

Lelan, 85, California
"My wife is happy to go out to do the shopping and leave me at home alone now. She's no longer worried about me falling and being unsupervised. Doing this strenghtening work has me able to get up from the chair, or the floor with ease. Where did all these muslces come from? I feel excellent accomplishing these exercsises."
Shama Strength Online Training Application
“I EMPOWER you in your later life to get STRONGER than the fear-of-falling-down monster …and....
we make damn sure we enjoy some good/bad jokes along the way!”
Life is hard enough without having our fitness and health practice be just one more thing that feels like you're on struggle street. This getting strong and healthy thing should be a positive, supportive, happy thing that you do for YOU. And I’m here for THAT process.
We take it one day at a time.
Think of me like I'm your Yoda in the swamp, teaching you to use the Force... but conveniently, I'm in your pocket.
We use the Shama Strength training app and stay well connected to move
forward together and get after your personal health and fitness goals!
I currently offer individually tailored online coaching services for those who want to build stability and strength that they can trust.
If you follow my advice and work hard each and every workout,
then I am entirely confident that you will reach your goals.
Arrange a free consultation call today, and let’s start working towards your goals!

Online Training in a Nutshell
Online Training is a new and exciting way to offer life changing transformation and fitness coaching to clients. It can be utilised by anyone, anywhere, offering convenience, responsiveness, flexibility and affordability.
I'm now able to empower my clients with more accountability and support than I ever could in person. Leveraging the power of the internet and cutting out the overhead costs of the gym means that you get more for your hard earned dollar. Online platfroms and mobile communication tools keep me wired and accessible to my clients. Even if they are hundereds, or even thousands of miles away.
Simply put: my online clients get so much more from me than my in person clientele ever could. The best part? The program is YOUR PROGRAM. No longer ruled by the rules of the gym, scheduling necessities, and financial obligation to a host of other parties. I can give you precisely what you need, when you need it. You gotta throw the word "training" out the window. I will be your concierge, giving you what you need, when you need it. No matter how those needs change over time.

About Simon
I began training in 2013 after breaking both wrists falling from a roof. (Ouch!)
The thing I love about bodyweight strength skills, is that there is always a place to begin. Handstand work, the Planche, One-Arm Chin-up, Freestanding Handstand Push-ups. These types of strength skills have been my bread and butter since rehabilitating my wrists after the accident in 2013.
You really can get stronger. Full recovery is really possible. Becoming incredibly strong at your age is truly possible. And it’s well within your capability. I was so happy to discover the truth of that by putting in the work consistently.
I'm really glad you're here. You want to be strong. You want to be the master of your own body, right? Then I've got your back. So let's do this.
Combining years of experience in bodyweight training and strength skills with the latest research in movement and recovery to develop individual training programs that deliver 100% money back, guaranteed results.
Making sure clients not only work hard,
but smart. That's what we're about here.
“The best exercise you can do,
is the one that you actually do”
Contact me today to schedule a free consultation.

Contact Me
"Our connection is the MOST IMPORTANT thing. Everything else is secondary and stems from that."
+1 (808) 635 3052